Recipe: Muffins and Grape Jam


food-hanepoot-jam Food-muffin-with-hanepoot-conifitureIngredients for 12 muffins:

750 ml bran, 250 ml boiling water, 180-250 ml sugar (some like it very sweet), 110 g butter, 250 ml cake flour, 375 ml wholegrain flour, 2 ml salt, 12 ml bicarb, 60 ml buttermilk and 2 extra large eggs.

Heat oven to 180 C. Grease muffin pan. Mix bran, water, sugar and butter. cool down.

Mix flour, wholegrain flour plus add salt. Add this to the bran mixture.

Dissolve bicarb in buttermilk. Add eggs and bran mixture. Pour into prepared muffin pan. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. ‘C’est tout’.


Grape Jam:

Ingredients: 1.3 kg grapes, 2 cups water, 1.3 kg sugar, orange juice.

Place grapes, orange juice and sugar in pot. Bring to boil. reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Pour jam into warmed, sterilised jars and seal. Leave the jars to cool. Then label and store in a cool and dark place.


Serve with grated cheese. YUMmy